大阪狭山市立図書館にて、絵本作家 Katyがデザインした「読書手帳」の無料配布(1,000冊)が本日4月1日よりスタートいたします。
大阪狭山市立図書館では、借りた本の記録や読書履歴を残す「読書手帳」の配布を2023年4月よりスタート。 図書館ではシールプリンターが設置されており、当日借りた本の情報をシールで印刷できます。 印刷した本の情報シールを「読書手帳」に貼っても、手書きで記録してもOKです。 ぜひ、読書手帳に記録して、楽しい読書ライフを満喫してくださいね!
At the Osaka Sayama City Library, the free distribution of “Reading Notebooks” designed by picture book author Katy begins today, April 1st, with 1,000 copies available.
*Additionally, 1,000 copies will also be distributed for free during library tours (targeting third-grade students from seven elementary schools within Osaka Sayama City) and the Bookstart program (where babies receiving their 4-month medical checkup at health centers are gifted picture books).
*A total of 2,000 copies
[About the Reading Notebook…]
Starting April 2023, the Osaka Sayama City Library will begin distributing “Reading Notebooks,” which allow you to keep a record of borrowed books and your reading history. The library is equipped with a sticker printer, allowing you to print information stickers for books borrowed that day. You can either stick the printed book information stickers in the “Reading Notebook” or write in it by hand. Be sure to record in your Reading Notebook and enjoy a fun reading life!